Father’s Skull

Father’s Skull

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A framed photograph of Chen Mo’s father, which he keeps visible as he works, is placed safely in the corner of his desk. The two of them have good relationship, no matter how busy Chen Mo is, he can make time to call his father.
When he was a kid, his father took him to run in the morning and watch football games together. But when such a great father passed away, all he left is only a small box of belongings and a petition for body donation.
Chen only learned later that his father had signed up for body donation, so he ended up staggering on the subway home with the tiny box in his arms. Every time he think of my father, the empty house becomes more lonely.
The memory is interrupted by a voice in his ear. It is the teaching assistant who comes to remind him of the lesson. The next lesson is his systematic anatomy. Chen Mo stands up slowly and walked to the classroom.
This is the first anatomy class for this class of students, facing the unknown new knowledge, all of them are curious. Chen moves to a nearby shelf.
“Today we’re going to look at the skull of a middle-aged man. Which is my father’s skull? ‘He picked up a skull.

Directed by Lilian Wang (China)

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