The Last Bus to Nay Pyi Taw

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A group of surgeons, speech therapists, and nurses begin work in a desolate hospital within Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar’s modern capital.

On February 1st 2021, Myanmar’s military staged a deadly coup to overthrow the ruling power, The National League for Democracy, in the capital of Nay Pyi Taw.

Nestled within that capital is a small hospital employed by veterans of the country’s bygone militarized era. When the new hospital was built in tandem with the new capital in 2005, the government failed to equip the hospital with enough surgeons with the skills to fix one of the countries most ubiquitous physical deformities – cleft lips and palates.

While we no longer feel it safe to make a film with the perspectives of the dissenting veterans that populate the hospital, we wanted to include some insight from our own doctors and volunteers about the people and country of Myanmar from our 2019 medical mission.

The coup and COVID-19 have wedged a significant gap between the doctors and volunteers of Faces of Tomorrow and Myanmar, but we hope to be able to return soon.

Directed by Brandon Bloom and Jordan Satmary (USA)

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