Active Imagination

Active Imagination

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Sundae Ennis has to give a presentation to a potential client from work. But her biggest fear in life is public speaking. She wakes up in a panic, rushing to the meeting, listening to her mother’s encouraging voice note. But when she arrives at the council office, she soon realizes things are not quite normal. The secretary who welcomes her to the office makes odd comments which throw Sundae off. As she enters the boardroom, her anxiety increases. She is not sure if it is her imagination or if the board is playing a game with her, but she tries to continue with her presentation. She questions her sanity and her sexuality. She finds herself drawn to the ladies in the meeting, which surprises her. She finally loses her mind, finding herself in the middle of an insanely bizarre party with everyone dressed up in costume, and runs out of the office.

Directed by Alastair Train (UK)

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