Portrait of a Mexicana Poet in Iowa City

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Portrait of a Mexicana Poet in Iowa City
Portrait of a Mexicana Poet in Iowa City

This rom-com-with-zomb TV pilot starts from and develops the template of the three-season HBO series “Bored to Death” (with Ted Danson). In the Mexico/Iowa series, a young Mexicana poet wins a scholarship to the Writers Workshop in Iowa City. The year is 1963 and she meets Raymond Carver (actually in IC then) when both are taking a class from Kurt Vonnegut, Jr (actually teaching there then). The two young creative writing students fall for each other, but she is a cultural Catholic and he married. She is innocent and sweet, but not always. He is a rat, but not always. Serious examination of love, marriage, and infidelity. Zombies provide background satire of academe. Set half in Mexico City and half in Iowa.

Written by James Fitzmaurice (UK)

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